


Aquanore is a 2D WebGL game library I started with back in 2014. Back then it was not even using WebGL but just mere 2D context from the HTML5 canvas element. But over time I learned OpenGL and WebGL and I kept updating this library to what it is now.

Unfortunately I have not been able to use it a lot in the past due to the performance drawbacks for web games where my projects needed more. But I have recently discovered web is much stronger than it was back then so performance is less of an issue now. Aquanore is still lacking docs and a good website but I firmly believe it can be a good library once it is finished.


A long time ago I started with a Tiled parser for C# because the existing alternatives were either broken or outdated. Once the library got stable I decided to go public with it and share it with an audience. And as of today TiledCS is one of the most popular Tiled parser libraries. Mostly used in combination with MonoGame or other .NET game frameworks and tools.

Due to a shift in interests and project requirements I don't use it or maintain it myself actively. Reason behind that is that most modern gaming frameworks ship their own parser nowadays so having a independent library is much less needed.


Arqan is a C# wrapper library for OpenGL and GLFW functionality. It performs pInvoke calls to call upon native symbols. It was once created out of frustration with the existing alternatives but in the end I never used it that much because gamedev technology improved greatly since I started. Especially for web and mobile.



MyGrator is a very basic CLI tool for Linux to perform database migrations on a MySQL database.



For automating builds and deployments I maintain a personal TeamCity server. This one runs at home and is used on daily basis to make my work easier.